Essentiellement tourné vers la manœuvre, la réflexion tactique et l'aguerrissement, la mission du CENTAC - 5e RD consiste à entraîner et à contrôler les unités des forces terrestres de l'armée de terre française.
Organisées en sous-groupements tactiques interarmes (SGTIA), unités de circonstance combinant toutes les fonctions opérationnelles (infanterie, cavalerie, génie, artillerie, logistique, etc.)
L'entraînement met en situation quatre jours durant les hommes et les femmes face à un adversaire réel et manœuvrant. Il s'agit bien d'apprendre aux chefs à commander dans l'incertitude et à la troupe à restituer les savoir-faire acquis à l'instruction.
Le contrôle vise à fournir aux chefs militaires une appréciation instantanée du niveau général des unités évaluées en faisant effort sur les cadres. Il s'agit de mesurer leur maîtrise des outils et des méthodes, de la doctrine et de leurs capacités à commander en situation de fatigue et de stress.
S'appuyant sur la simulation des effets des armes, coordonnée par le système d'information centralisé CENTAURE, le CENTAC - 5e RD décline son action de deux manières :
- L'entraînement générique à toutes les formes de combat susceptibles d'être rencontrées en opération. Cette combinaison de situations se fait dans le cadre d'un scénario virtuel.
- L'appui à la préparation à l'engagement opérationnel des unités désignées pour un théâtre déterminé, tels que le Mali, La République Centre Africaine, ou encore le Liban. Dans ce cas, le scénario et les actions de combat sont spécifiques à ces théâtres d'opérations.
Les engins du camp on une particularité : ils sont deux tons bleu au lieu d'avoir l'habituelle camouflage 3 tons.
De même les soldats portent des uniformes noir. Ces particularités afin de faire nettement la différence entre des engins et des troupes venu s'entrainer et portant les couleurs de l'armée, et les hommes et matériels de ce centre qui sont sensé représenté des forces ennemies.

Tactical thinking and hardening, the mission of CENTAC - 5th RD is to lead and control army units of the French Army.
Organized arms tactical sub-groups (SGTIA) units circumstance combining all operational functions (infantry, cavalry, engineers, artillery, logistics, etc.).
The driving position puts four days men and women face a real opponent and maneuvering. It is good to teach leaders to control the uncertainty and the troupe return the know-how acquired in the statement.
The control is designed to provide commanders instant assessing the general level units assessed by stress on the frames. It is to measure their mastery of tools and methods, doctrine and capabilities to control situations of fatigue and stress.
Based on the simulation of weapons effects, coordinated by the centralized information system CENTAURE, CENTAC - 5th RD accept its action in two ways:
The drive generic to all forms of combat that can be encountered in operation. This combination of conditions is done as part of a virtual scenario.
Support for preparation for operational engagement designated for a specific theater, such as Mali, the Central African Republic, Lebanon or units. In this case, the scenario and combat actions are specific to these theaters.
In this context, the CENTAC - 5th RD develops and conducts exercises focus on all forms of combat ranging from battle tanks to guerrilla actions.
Gear camp is a peculiarity: they are two shades of blue instead of the usual 3 tone camouflage.
Similarly soldiers wear black uniforms. These features in order to make a clear difference between gear and troops came to train and wearing the colors of the army and men and equipment of the center are supposed represented enemy forces.
Organized arms tactical sub-groups (SGTIA) units circumstance combining all operational functions (infantry, cavalry, engineers, artillery, logistics, etc.).
The driving position puts four days men and women face a real opponent and maneuvering. It is good to teach leaders to control the uncertainty and the troupe return the know-how acquired in the statement.
The control is designed to provide commanders instant assessing the general level units assessed by stress on the frames. It is to measure their mastery of tools and methods, doctrine and capabilities to control situations of fatigue and stress.
Based on the simulation of weapons effects, coordinated by the centralized information system CENTAURE, CENTAC - 5th RD accept its action in two ways:
The drive generic to all forms of combat that can be encountered in operation. This combination of conditions is done as part of a virtual scenario.
Support for preparation for operational engagement designated for a specific theater, such as Mali, the Central African Republic, Lebanon or units. In this case, the scenario and combat actions are specific to these theaters.
In this context, the CENTAC - 5th RD develops and conducts exercises focus on all forms of combat ranging from battle tanks to guerrilla actions.
Gear camp is a peculiarity: they are two shades of blue instead of the usual 3 tone camouflage.
Similarly soldiers wear black uniforms. These features in order to make a clear difference between gear and troops came to train and wearing the colors of the army and men and equipment of the center are supposed represented enemy forces.
And Videos in CENTAC :